Elliot James Lee

Bravery - Passion - Dedication

We receive what we believe we deserve. In love, in government, in life. It is your birthright to receive love, kindness and a community that serves all of us together.

Green Party

In 2023 I joined the Green Party of Aotearoa as a feild team member for Chlöe Swarbrick. The party continually proves they are fighting to protect the climate, restore nature, and build an Aotearoa that works for everyone.


In 2023 as part of the Free Palestine movement I joined Kaiāwhina Auckland. I have supported Toitū te Tiriti, Free Palestine and Tino Rangatiratanga

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
Nothing is going to get better. It's not"


Our bodies are the connection between the infinate possibility and the finite reality. Each day I do my best to care for mine. I practice yoga, weight lifting, boxing, running and any movement with friends.